What to know about Huskies
Tips, curiosities, questions and answers about the Nordic breed of dogs Seeing a husky in Valtellina is not something…
scopriThe character of huskies
The qualities and temperament of Nordic sled dogs What character do huskies have? This is a frequently asked question…
scopriNordic sled dog breeds
Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Samoyed and Greenlandic sled dogs In common parlance, we are accustomed to calling them generically…
scopriThe true story of Balto, the world's most famous husky
Who were the sled dogs in Alaska's most famous run? When we talk about sled dogs, we inevitably end…
scopriAlaskan husky dogs: characteristics and breeding
The peculiarities and habits of the best sled dogs The Husky Village dog sledding centre in the province of…
scopriFive new Alaskan Huskies from Lapland to the Husky Village in Valdidentro
The new sled dogs from Sweden The family at the Husky Village in Arnoga, Valdidentro, is always ready to…